
during the Coronavirus pandemic

We have a critical opportunity to intercede for the world as a church.

Please do remember in your prayers:

  • Those who have lost loved one
  • Those who have lost livelihoods
  • Keyworkers who are on the frontline, working long hours to keep countries going, particularly medical staff
  • Governments and world leaders making critical decisions
  • Those who cannot work from home or have no home to go to
  • Those who are vulnerable and fearful
  • Those children and adults for whom home is a difficult or unsafe place to be

Once a day – Some of you might feel able to join with us, as I’m told many did in war time, to pray once a day for the world and the pandemic. Let’s do this for 2mins at 12pm.

This Sunday – Christians all over the country are encouraged to put a candle (safely!) in the window at 7pm and pray for the Coronavirus situation

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